Four people who need social welfare services (PPKS) aka homeless people were arrested by joint Satpol PP officers and the Central Jakarta Social Service Sub-dept. in the Johar Baru area.

They were arrested from two different points on Jalan Moh. Ali, Tanah Tinggi Village and South Galur Street, Galur Village, Johar Baru District.

Head of Satpol PP Johar Baru Subdistrict, Abdul Rahman Hakim, said that his party was controlling it after receiving complaints from residents. Their existence has been complained of by residents.

"We received information that there are often begging in the road area. That's why today we are in order," he said, Monday, May 13.

Abdul explained that the Control activities involved 22 joint officers consisting of 17 Satpol PP officers and five Central Jakarta Social Service, Supervision and Control (P3S) officers from the Central Jakarta Social Service Sub-dept.

Furthermore, the affordable PPKS were handed over to officers from the Central Jakarta Social Service Sub-dept. for guidance.

The four affordable PPKS contain the initials E (40), D (21), R (25) RMD (27). Of the four PPKS, one of them is R with women. They were also handed over to the Community Development Institution Insan Bangun Daya 1, Kebon Jeruk.

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