AGAM - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra, noted that as many as 204 residents in the area fled to a safer location due to the cold lava flood of Mount Marapi, Saturday, May 11 at around 21:15 WIB.
"A total of 204 displaced residents came from three sub-districts and this is based on data on Sunday, May 12 at around 16:00 WIB," said Head of BPBD Agam Budi State Officer in Lubuk Basung, West Sumatra, Antara, Sunday, May 12.
The 204 residents came from Ampek Koto District and of them 60 people had been evacuated to SMPN 1 Koto Tuo. Meanwhile, Candung District 74 people were evacuated at SD 08 Kubang Putiah Duo Koto Panjang, Nagari or Bugik Batabuah Village.
Meanwhile, in Ampek Angkek Subdistrict 70 people were evacuated to local residents' houses.
"Currently we are preparing evacuation locations for residents," he said.
He added that the cold lava flood of Mount Marapi due to high rainfall also had an impact on 185 housing units spread across four sub-districts.
In Ampek Koto District, 44 houses in Nagari Koto Tuo, SDN 03 Koto Tuo, BMT, Galudau Police, Al Ikhsan Galudua Mosque, Surau Angku Aluma, eight cars, nine motorbikes, two hectares of agricultural land and three injuries.
Meanwhile, in Canduang District, floods inundated 90 units of houses and business premises, one prayer room, one bridge unit washed away, and 50 hectares of agricultural land and others.
In Sungai Pua sub-district, the roads and houses of residents caused 18 units to be heavily damaged, 15 units lightly damaged, one mosque slightly damaged, one kindergarten slightly damaged and 20 hectares of agricultural land affected.
After that, in Ampek Angkek District, 18 housing units were damaged. Data collection is still ongoing by involving relevant agencies, sub-district governments and nagari, he said.
He said that as of 16:00 WIB due to the disaster 19 Agam residents died. The 19 people were Adek Hendra (40), Resvanel (65), Warni Bahar (65), Anjeli (15), Maryam M Akbar (8), Shanum (1,5), Hilia Azizah (4), Lem Yatril (60), Ujang (71) and Nelda (65).
Then, Adila (57), Suryani (52), Mimi Mariani (67), Syaukani Sani (56), Eznika Zainal (60), Naila Rusda (19), Nur Jannah (78), Saskia Tahira (16) and Dhani Ar (80).
As many as 16 injured victims and two people have not been found.
"The victims who died came from Candung District with 10 people and Sungai Pua with nine people," he said.
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