JAKARTA - The world's pressure on Israel is getting tougher and endless.

Israel's all-out war in the Gaza Strip, in retaliation for the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, has exceeded the measure to be called martial arts, so the world is getting more and more fed up by it.

Quoting ANTARA, Sunday, May 12, the world's fed up attitude was manifested in many ways, including the latter on Friday this week at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York when the UN General Assembly issued a resolution calling for the Security Council to consider Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations.

The resolution, designed by the United Arab Emirates and sponsored by 70 countries, was supported by 143 countries, including Indonesia and France, while Britain, Germany and 23 other countries chose abstain. Even the abstention of Britain and Germany was a major blow to Israel.

Israel, together with the United States, certainly opposes the resolution. They are in a group of nine countries that oppose the resolution, in addition to Argentina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and four South Pacific countries namely Micronesia, Naruru, Palau and Papua New Guinea.

It is undeniable that Israel is increasingly isolated from the world, including from its own allies in the West.

The angry war of revenge launched by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, has seen Israel face diplomatic storms that come repeatedly from all fronts.

Netanyahu's military operations in the Gaza Strip, followed by attacking the Rafah, which has fallen 1.7 Palestinians who have avoided war, have made the world even more angry, including the countries that have been Israel's friends.

They became even more angry after the Israeli government, which is further to the right, did nothing and even secretly sponsored the actions of Jewish settlers in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank.

These settlers are increasingly brutal in seizing and expelling Palestinians from their lands in the West Bank, thus making the United States unable to remain silent anymore, so sanctions are imposed on them.

Individuals, Jewish society groups, and even battalions of mostly Jewish settlers were subjected to US sanctions.

Embargo and boycott

The sanctions also target political allies Netanyahu, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who is the top extreme right figure in Israel.

Ben Gvir is one of Israel's right-handed figures who advocated total Hamas and expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza to Sinai in Egypt.

Meanwhile, a number of Western countries are taking further steps. Ireland and Spain said they would soon give formal recognition to the Palestinian state, followed by Malta and Slovenia.

Meanwhile, in South America, Colombia became the second country in the region to cut diplomatic ties with Israel after Bolivia.

The diplomatic tsunami was also followed by waves of embargoes and economic boycotts, including calls for a trade embargo which is currently being voiced at the European Union forum.

Citing The Guardian's report, EU leaders are studying the possibility of dropping the embargoes on Israeli products generated from Palestinian territories annexed by Jewish settlers.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo, who is chairing the Council of the European Union, is also lobbying EU members to bring down a trade embargo on Israel, arguing the country violates human rights guarantees in the European Union-Israel cooperation agreement.

Meanwhile Turkey, which is not a member of the European Union but is tied to the NATO defense alliance and has diplomatic ties to Israel, went further by imposing a full trade embargo on Israel.

Not only trade, but calls for boycotts and embargoes also spread to Israeli athletes, academics, and artists.

Calls to escape from relations with Israel also continue to be echoed everywhere, including by students on well-known campuses in the West.

They asked universities where they study, to cut ties and ties with Israel or individuals and institutions related to Israel.

Knocked Out of the global community

In other words, criticism and criticism of Israel is getting wider and louder, along with the attitude of the Netanyahu government, which is increasingly desperate in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian bag has lost 30 thousand human lives, mostly children and women, and is threatened with humanitarian and hunger disasters, in addition to having to find the reality of 70 percent of the buildings there flattened to the ground, including hospitals, churches, mosques, and Palestinian campuses.

The allegation that Israel is not just hunting and destroying Hamas is even tighter because they are actually destroying the Palestinian people as a whole.

After seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid workers, mostly foreigners, died on April 1, the word "genocide" is increasingly widely accused of Israel arguing that its war in Gaza is merely an act of self-defense.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan concluded Israel's actions in bombarding Gaza as a death penalty for Palestinians who have suffered from Israeli discrimination for a long time.

Even a number of people in Israel agree with Erdogan's view. They think the Israeli government has ignored moral and political considerations as it continues to hinder the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip and continues to advance war plans without any peace scenarios.

The Israeli government failed to prove its own pretext that the war on the Gaza Strip was a war against Hamas, not a war against the Palestinian people, said Nimrod Novik, a former adviser to the Shimon Peres-era Israeli government, as quoted by the New York Times this weekend.

The world pressure on Israel has prompted the United States government to no longer continue to side with Israel. Finally, President Joe Biden threatened to suspend the shipment of sophisticated weapons to Israel if the country insisted on attacking Rafah.

In fact, Israel knows for sure, it would be very dangerous for them if the United States joined forces away from Israel.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin once stated that his country's number one strategic asset is the United States, which in addition to being Israel's main supplier of weapons, but also Israel's most loyal political protector, including at the United Nations.

But now, due to Netanyahu's stubborn attitude who is more obedient to the extreme right group in his government coalition than calls from his allies, the country has been condemned by the world, including its allies in the West.

Israel pun, seperti disebut Haaretz yang merupakan salah satu media terkemuka di negara Yahudi itu, menjadi negara paria, yang diberkitkan dari komunitas internasional.

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