JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) has scheduled a trial for the alleged immoral act committed by the Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari at the end of May 2024.
Chairman of the DKPP Heddy Lugito said that the case of alleged violation of the election organizer's code of ethics (KEPP) Hasyim would be prioritized compared to other cases, because the case was quite public attention.
"Because this is a case that is quite a public concern and also taking into account so that the complainant gets legal certainty, therefore DKPP takes steps by not doing (checking) other cases," said Heddy as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 8.
He revealed that the Hasyim case had been registered and registered at the DKPP, so it was ready to be tried.
According to him, the trial in the Hasyim case was relatively fast compared to other cases which took about 3 to 4 months.
"We may hear it faster than other cases, because if it is estimated in about 3 to 4 months, something like that. So we will do it, not acceleration, we prioritize the handling of this case so that everyone gets certainty," he said.
Heddy assessed that the DKPP decided to speed up the case to ensure that there were no issues or cases of cornering each other's election organizers.
"This is so as not to become an issue, not to corner each other. We will probably hear it later this month, at the end of May," explained Heddy.
However, he could not confirm the schedule for Hasyim's examination of members of the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) who were victims of this KEPP violation.
"But we schedule it not until May. Right now it's still on the 9th, it's about 3 weeks away," he concluded.
Hasyim Asy'ari was reported to DKPP on Thursday (18/4) by the Legal Aid Consultation Institute and the Choice of Completion of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (LKBH-PPS FH UI) and the Legal Aid Institute of the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice (LBH APIK).
The attorney for victim Maria Diinita Prosperianti explained that Hasyim's actions as a defendant were included in the violation of the code of ethics based on DKPP Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for General Election Organizers.
Maria said that in reporting to the DKPP, a number of evidences showed that Hasyim had violated the code of ethics.
He said Hasyim was concerned with his personal interests to satisfy his sexual desires.
"There have been several dozen pieces of evidence, yes, such as screenshots (screenshots) of conversations, photos, and videos, as well as evidence. I have explained earlier, this evidence can show that it is truly structured, systematic, and active, and here the accused also provides information manipulation and also spreads confidential information to show his power," he said.
He also said that Hasyim's actions to the victim showed repeated actions. Therefore, he hopes that DKPP will not only give a stern warning to the case involving his client.
"There is a similar case, but it may be a little different related to what happened to Golden Women. This has also been given the last tough warning sanction. So, after a decision from the DKPP, our target should be that the sanction given is no longer a warning, but is termination," he said.
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