The Gerindra Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of West Sumatra Province (West Sumatra) stated that they are still waiting for Prabowo Subianto's direction as chairman of the party regarding the nomination of Andre Rosiade in the 2024 gubernatorial election (Pilgub).

"There is an opportunity to advance in the West Sumatra gubernatorial election, but we are still waiting for the direction of General Chair Prabowo Subianto, whether assigned or there will be other assignments later," said Secretary of the West Sumatra Gerindra DPD Evi Yandri Rajo Budiman in Padang as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 6.

However, as a party cadre bearing the head of a Garuda bird, Evi believes that Andre, who is also a member of Commission VI, is ready to run in the West Sumatra gubernatorial election if he gets an assignment from Prabowo Subianto.

"So there is no certainty, we are still waiting for directions from General Chair Prabowo Subianto," he asserted.

For information, the West Sumatra Gerindra DPD officially opened registrations for governor candidates, deputy governors, regents and deputy regents to mayors and candidates for mayors in West Sumatra from 7 to 20 May 2024.

According to him, in capturing candidates for Gerindra regional heads, there are a number of requirements, including being able to provide solutions to various problems in Minang. Starting from the problem of unemployment, economy, development to increasing local revenue (PAD) in 19 districts and cities in the province.

"We need a candidate for governor who has a breakthrough to solve various problems in the Minang realm," he said.

In addition, regional head candidates who will be promoted in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada) are expected to be able to harmonize and support the mission carried by the elected president and vice president.

He added that the political promise made by Prabowo Subianto with Gibran Rakabuming Raka during the campaign could not necessarily be implemented without the support of every regional head.

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