JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) facilitates consulting services for individual governor and deputy governor candidates in the 2024 Pilkada.

At least, there are already 2 prospective independent lane governor candidates who are interested in advancing for the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. They are still trying to gather support from the community.

Support that is a requirement for registration of individual candidate pairs is made in the form of a support letter accompanied by a photocopy of the community ID card registered with the DPT.

Unfortunately, collecting support from residents' ID cards is not an easy matter. The winning team for the DKI Jakarta cagub Noer Fajrieansyah, namely Teman Bang Fajrie (TBF) also admitted it.

TBF Coordinator, Rachmat Ariyanto admitted that his party is often billed for the provision of basic necessities to residents who are asked for support from Fajri for the requirements for an independent cagub.

"There are a lot of obstacles, because they haven't finished about money politics, all kinds of things. So, when we ask for a letter of support, yes, there must be (ask) 'is there oil or not?'" said Rachmat when met at the DKI Jakarta KPU office, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 6.

Referring to Article 41 of Law Number 10 of 2016, cagub-cawagub DKI Jakarta individuals are required to receive voter support of at least 7.5 percent of the total DPT. Therefore, it takes at least around 618,968 voters who support it as evidenced by the ID card.

Rachmat said that his team has only collected around 100 thousand ID cards for residents to support Fajri, who is the former General Chair of KNPI for the 2018-2021 period.

Meanwhile, the KPU has set limits on fulfilling the requirements for independent cagub support until May 12. Rachmat hopes that efforts to gather support for the husband of Golkar politician Meutya Hafid can be fulfilled.

"We will try our best. Incidentally, the team has arrived in 5 regions and we are already in it and it has been adjusted to what the KPU asked for and we just have to complete the shortcomings," said Rachmat.

"Friends (TBF) are actually some of us from political parties. Maybe we can add a letter of support from, for example, political party cadres who can be pursued in a short time," he added.

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