YOGYAKARTA - Do you know what ZZ plate is? If you are still confused, you come to the right article, because this time we will discuss it thoroughly, see it is finished, yes!

The reason is, the special number plate of official vehicles that were previously known to use the final RF has now been officially replaced by the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police to become ZZ. The ZZH plate is a secret code used in ministries or government agencies.

RF stands for the word'reform' which is exclusively used as the car number (TNKB) and official official official's official motorbike.

The RF code is accompanied by one letter representing certain ministries or government agencies. There are also RF plates consisting of RFS, RFO, RFQ, RFH, RFP, RFL, and RFU.

Then, what is the meaning of the ZZH plate and what are the conditions for its use? Follow the following discussion.

Since November 2023, the special RF plate has been officially changed to ZZ. Substitution of the code was carried out because it was misused a lot by civil society.

Even so, the final letter on the special no-plate has not changed. Thus, the secret code for official cars is currently ZZH, ZZO, ZZQ, ZZS, ZZP, ZZL, ZZD, and ZZU.

The ZZH plate has the same benefits as ZZO and ZZQ. Users of the ZZH plate are echelon II state officials who are at the same level as a director at a ministry.

The ZZS code is used on the official vehicle plate of echelon I state civil servants or at the same level as the director general of the ministry, on the other hand ZZP is aimed at police officials.

Meanwhile, ZZD, ZZL, and ZZU are given specifically to military officials. ZZD for Army officials, ZZL for Navy officials, and ZZU for Air Force officials.

Regulations For Using ZZH Plates

The use of special license plates has been regulated in Chief of Police Regulation No. 3 of 2012. The regulation explains that special motorized vehicle noe (TNKB) characteristics are given for motorbikes and cars used by TNI, Polri, and echelon I, echelon II, and echelon III officials in government institutions.

To obtain this special number plate, there is a submission mechanism that must be carried out by each ministry/institution, TNI, or Polri.

Reporting from the NTMC Polri page, a special no-plate application for police officials was informed to Baintelkam by a copy to the National Police Propam or TNI POM for TNI officials.

On the other hand, for officials in ministries/agencies, the application is submitted through the inspectorate. With this provision, it will be easier for the Korlantas Polri to take action against violations committed by vehicles with special license plates and secrets.

The Basic Law On Vehicle Number Plates

In Law (UU) Number. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, it is emphasized that each vehicle must be installed with a number plate.

Not only that, in this Law, it is also written that vehicle number plates are prohibited from being modified, such as changing colors, shapes, writings, or affixing logos and unofficial or illegal stickers.

If this modification only replaces the place of the number plate or the light accent on the vehicle, it is allowed.

There are also sanctions for vehicle users who are not installed with a number plate. This is regulated in Law Number 29. 29 article 280 of 2009.

Everyone who drives a motorized vehicle on the road and is not installed by the TNKB as stipulated by the Indonesian National Police as referred to in Article 68 paragraph 1 shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 2 months or a very large fine of IDR 500 thousand.

In addition, you can also see what the 'History of Plat Number in Indonesia' looks like.

So after knowing what the ZZ plate is, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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