JAKARTA - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday that dialogue with Russia must be maintained.

"We did the right thing by leaving the door open for negotiations with Russia," said President Macron in an interview with La Tribune daily, quoted by TASS, May 6.

"Otherwise, we will give up on international order and peace and security," he continued.

However, President Macron also noted at the same time that a policy of "strategic ambiguity" needs to be continued towards Russia.

In late April, President Macron said when speaking at the Sorbonne University in Paris that Europe must be ready to build relations with Russia once the Ukraine conflict is over.

President Macron also said that the technical capabilities and range of Russian ballistic missile attacks endanger European countries.

"When it comes to Ukraine, the safety of the European people is at stake because this country is located about 1,500 kilometers (more than 932 miles) from our borders," explained President Macron.

"If Russia wins, it will only take a second for there to be no security for Romania, Poland, Lithuania or our country," he continued.

"The power and range of Russia's ballistic missile attacks endangers us all," added the French President.

Earlier, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia did not pose a threat to anyone in Europe and expected a similar attitude towards Moscow.

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