SURABAYA - Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa extended the Enforcement of Micro-Scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from March 9 to March 22.

Based on the evaluation that had been carried out, Khofifah claimed that the micro-scale PPKM was proven to be effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in East Java.

"We continue to evaluate the implementation of the Micro-scale PPKM, both in the first and second stages. From the existing data we see that there are many encouraging results from various epidemiological indicators", said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Monday, March 8.

According to Khofifah, during the implementation of the micro-scale PPKM, it had a significant impact on reducing the spread of COVID-19 in East Java. This is evidenced in early January there were eight red zones, and currently zero red zones in East Java.

"Thank God, currently there is no red zone in East Java, and 16 regencies/cities in East Java or about 42 percent are already in the Yellow zone. This shows that the implementation of Micro-scale PPKM is on the right track", she said.

Khofifah emphasized that the micro-scale PPKM extension was based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 5 of 2021, concerning the Extension of the Implementation of Micro-scale PPKM and Optimizing COVID-19 Handling Posts at the Village and Sub-District levels to Control the Spread of COVID-19.

"Of course, by optimizing its implementation, all regions in East Java can enter the yellow and even green zones", she said.

According to Khofifah, both PPKM and micro-scale PPKM showed significant results, but even greater efforts were needed, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in East Java through the extension of micro-scale PPKM.

Therefore, it is hoped that all people in East Java will not be careless and remain disciplined in implementing health protocols (prokes).

"The implementation of the first and second stages of micro-scale PPKM is indeed able to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in East Java, but I advise people not to be careless and continue to improve discipline in implementing health protocols", said the first female governor in East Java.

Khofifah also again asked several regional heads who were able to reduce the rate of spread of COVID-19 in their regions, to provide strategic recommendations. The hope is that this strategy can be adapted by other regions.

"We ask the mayors and regents to explain the strategic efforts that have been made so that they can be adopted in other cities and regencies. This is important, as a recommendation to optimize the implementation of the next stage Micro-scale PPKM in East Java", said Khofifah.

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