JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Chairman of the Mardiono United Development Party (PPP) revealed the reason his party did not pass the 4% parliamentary threshold.
According to him, the PPP's 4% parliamentary threshold did not pass due to an error in the vote recording of the election results. On that basis, PPP registered a lawsuit at the Constitutional Court (MK) to obtain justice and truth.
"PPP has received a mandate from our constituents as a form of sovereignty in the hands of the people. The people have entrusted the sovereignty of PPP and we must fight for it," said Mardiono in Jakarta, Monday, April 29.
Previously, the Constitutional Court (MK) received 297 cases of dispute over election results (PHPU) or disputes over the 2024 Legislative Election and will be tried on Monday, April 29, 2024. Of the 297 cases, 24 were requested by the United Development Party (PPP).
Plt Ketua Umum PPP, Mardiono mengatakan pihaknya telah menyiapkan dengan baik sesuai fakta dan data di lapangan. Hal tersebut merupakan manjian dari rakyat yang layak dipertanggungjawab.
"PPP has prepared well, of course according to the facts and data we have obtained in the field," said Mardiono at the PKS DPP office, South Jakarta, last Saturday.
He said PPP invited the Constitutional Court to examine the data obtained.
"The difference in votes according to the KPU with PPP data is around 600,000. However, not all of them are 600,000, then we demand the Constitutional Court," explained Mardiono.
Furthermore, he said, PPP hoped that the Constitutional Court judges could review the differences in votes. "We hope that the judges of the Constitutional Court put their sovereignty in the hands of the people," said Mardiono.
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