NTB - A safe containing IDR 653 million in cash, a savings book, land certificate, 3 Vehicle Owner Licenses (BPKB), and 2 car spare keys at the West Lombok Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Office, Jalan Bung Hatta, the city of Mataram was successfully swept away by thieves.

The total loss due to the robbery was valued at IDR 722.5 million. The perpetrator with the initials US or Songok has been arrested by officers. West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, Hari Brata said that US was arrested on Sunday, March 7 yesterday.

"He is the main culprit. From the theft, he received a share of IDR 300 million", said Hari Brata in Lombok, Monday, March 8.

During his escape, US hid in his hometown, Songak Village, Sakra District, East Lombok Regency. When surrounded by police, US, who was in a house, tried to escape so that the Puma Team took firm and measured action to incapacitate the suspected perpetrator.

"Having been paralyzed by a shot lodged in his leg, the team immediately evacuated him to the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital", he said.

In his case, US is suspected of committing a crime with a colleague who is still at wanted status. Hari said that US used the money from his theft to buy a Kawasaki LX150 motorcycle for IDR 22.5 million.

"The remaining money from the theft, which he admits, still has IDR 200 thousand", said Hari.

From the results of his examination, US was recorded twice as having been in and out of prison. One case of theft in Lingsar, West Lombok Regency in 2018. Then in 2019, he was proven to be the holder of a stolen cellphone on Jalan Sriwijaya, Mataram City with a sentence of nine months in prison.

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