JAKARTA - A clear understanding of the differences between entertainment games and real gambling practices is important to give to the public in order to make wise decisions in using digital space while at the same time avoiding unwanted risks. Thus, efforts to eradicate online gambling by the government can make a positive contribution in building a secure digital space for all Indonesian people.
However, there is often confusion between card games and gambling that has serious risks. The essence is that card games are legitimate entertainment and do not injure players, both mentally and financially. This is different from gambling which has the nature of two-way transactions. The nature of two-way transactions in gambling involves exchanging money or equivalent goods, which in turn can lead to financial losses of the parties involved.
In contrast, card games are one-way transactions that are only used for relaxing and entertainment. Today, traditional card games have been adopted into the realm of digital games, with attractive graphics, varied game simulations, as well as chips or coins that can be won in the game.
"Actually, it is easy to determine whether a game is an online gambling or not, namely if there is money or money worth of goods at stake in it. However, for games that have in-game purchasing or purchasing paid items in the game, in my opinion, it does not include online gambling activities," said Digital Economy Observer Heru Sutadi on Monday, December 18, 2023.
Online gambling problems also have an impact on other games, both online and offline. As is commonly encountered in shopping centers, which are considered to enter gray areas, whether it is an online gambling or an ordinary game.
Chairman of the Cybersecurity and Communication Communication and Information System Security Research Center (CISSReC) Pratama Dahlian Persadha said that games in shopping centers where users are required to buy credit or coins to play but not get certain prizes such as car simulations and others should not be categorized as gambling.
"But, that doesn't mean that other games that can get prizes such as doll caps or basketball games will be considered gambling activities, because to carry out these activities requires strategy and expertise to win the game," he said.
Likewise, online games that require users to buy a number of points in the form of diamonds or chips that users can use to buy certain facilities such as skins, weapons, or so that they can run the game, should not be categorized as online gambling because there are no tangible results in the form of money or goods obtained from the game.
"Essentially, if there are games that are suspected of having indications of leading to online gambling, then facts must be checked and investigated, as well as from reports from people who have played the game, until finally it can be determined that this game belongs to the online gambling category or not," he said.
On September 15, 2023, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi issued an instruction aimed at accelerating the eradication of online gambling content in Indonesia. This step was taken to keep Indonesia's digital space safe, healthy, positive, and productive for the community. This instruction is a follow-up to the implementation of Article 27 paragraph (2) of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.
During the period 17 July 2023 to 17 September 2023, more than 109,090 gambling content has been handled by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. Strategic and measurable steps were taken to clean up the digital space of gambling content that ensnares and harms the community, in line with existing legal provisions, such as Article 426 and Article 427 of Law Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Criminal Code.
After being blocked, the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia agreed to reopen access to the Higgs Domino Island (HDI) on February 17, 2024. The opening of access was carried out after the HDI communicated and followed directions from the Ministry of Communication and Information, with the aim of building a healthy gaming environment.
The statement contained, "With guidance from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, we have decided to disable the "send" feature and other similar features starting February 17, 2024 at 23.59 WIB. This action is in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Communication No. 2 of 2024 concerning the classification of Games.
"We do this as a form of compliance and upholding applicable regulations and creating a healthy gaming ecosystem", said a notification message sent to all Higgs Domino Island players in Indonesia.
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