The Governor of East Java for the 2019-2024 period Khofifah Indar Parawansa admitted that he felt comfortable and productive with the Deputy Governor of East Java for the 2019-2024 period Emil Elestianto Dardak. Both of them asked for their blessing to return to the process in the 2024 East Java Pilkada in November this year. "Today we are friendly together with Mr. Emil. He is a booster on our journey of five years leading East Java. And in the future, God willing, we will process again for governor nominations in November 2024," he said in a written statement in Surabaya, Antara, Sunday, April 28. He stated that so far many parties have always asked whether to run again with Emil Dardak in the 2024 East Java Pilkada and Khofifah emphasized that so far he felt very comfortable and productive partnering with the figure of Mr. Emil Dardak. "I feel comfortable and productive with Mr. Emil. Feelings of comfort are important. And productive is also very important. So we ask for prayers (prayers) for all so that what we have done and what we will do in the future can provide blessings for all," he said. Khofifah said that in East Java there is still a lot of homework to do even though so many achievements and achievements have been achieved and achievements and progress in East Java can only be achieved if all elements join hands and synergize in harmony. "In this position, the continuity of Umaro scholars is very strategic. Namely in an effort to protect the country and maintain religion. Hopefully, everything that has been built so far can continue to be established in synergy and harmony," he said. Previously, LDII East Java stated its commitment to support Khofifah Indar Parawansa to run again in the 2024 East Java Pilkada contestation. Ketua DPW LDII Jawa Timur KH M Amrodji Konawi saat memberikan sambutan dalam acara Silaturahim Syawal 1445 Hijriah dan Tausiyah Kebangsaan yang diadakan oleh LDII Provinsi Jawa Timur, di Pondok Pesantren Sabilurrosyidin Annur, Surabaya, mengatakan selama ini LDII dan jajaran ulama di Jatim tidak pernah memberikan kritik atau tidak setuju dengan kebijakan Ibu Khofifah selama menjabat sebagai Gubernur Jawa Timur.
"Not because he didn't dare, but because what Mrs. Khofifah did with Mr. Emil was in accordance with the teachings and guidance contained in the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet. Mrs. Khofifah was able to protect all the majority and minorities of the good people," he said.

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