JAKARTA - The Special Committee (Pansus) after the State Capital (IKN) of the DKI Jakarta DPRD is targeting the Senayan to Kemayoran areas in Central Jakarta (Jakpus) to become assets owned by the DKI Provincial Government (Pemprov) so that it can be utilized optimally for the sake of improving services to the public.
"Senayan and Kemayoran are the source of the problem, on the one hand the people who live there do not get DKI Jakarta services," said Chairman of the Special Committee after the IKN DPRD DKI Jakarta Deserves Nainggolan to reporters in Bogor, West Java (West Java), Friday, April 26, which was confiscated by Antara.
It is appropriate to explain that the two areas still belong to the State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia as the authority.
That way, he continued, the DKI Provincial Government still has not been able to maximize development services in order to improve people's welfare.
Until now, he continued, his party was still discussing the matter of taking over assets or the Jakarta Special Region Law (DKJ) after Jakarta did not become the capital city.
"That's one of the things we've talked about, so in the new law it opens up space to negotiate it with the Minister of Finance in the future," he said.
Moreover, development services in the two areas must have approval from the State Secretariat when needed. But often because there is no request, in the end it cannot be done.
He also hopes that the handover of these assets can be a trigger so that the assets belonging to the central government in Jakarta can be given or managed by the DKI Provincial Government after IKN moves to East Kalimantan.
"Of course, with the move of the capital city, more and more will be renegotiated with it," he said.
Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani was ready to coordinate with various parties regarding state assets in IKN or IKN Nusantara or Jakarta.
"We will coordinate in the process of moving (ASN) which will have implications for the office rooms in IKN Nusantara and Jakarta," said Sri Mulyani.
He said, based on Law No. 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital and later also based on regulations related to the special Jakarta regional government, in this case, various arrangements will be made regarding the state assets, especially in the location and designation.
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