Police Detain Unscrupulous ASN Teachers In Konawe Islands Regency
Illustration of child sexual violence (ANTARA)

KENDARI - The Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Kendari City Police (Polresta) detained an unscrupulous teacher suspected of committing immoral acts against his students in Konawe Islands (Konkep) Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

Head of the Kendari Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Fitrayadi in Kendari, Wednesday, said the teacher with the initials AS (34), was a state civil servant (ASN) who served in junior high school (SMP) in the area and a student victim with the initials RSP (14).

"The case was reported by the mother of the victim MPS (35) at the Kendari Police," said Fitrayadi.

He explained that the incident occurred on Monday (1/4) at around 18.30 WITA. Initially, the perpetrator and the victim made an appointment to meet at a place in Konkep Regency to talk about the value of the lessons asked for improvement by the victim.

"While talking, the perpetrator then committed immorality by touching the sensitive part of the victim and committing other immoral acts against the victim," he said.

Feeling that he did not accept the actions of the unscrupulous teacher, said Fitrayadi, the victim then told the person in question. So, the victim's mother objected and reported the incident to the police.

"On Tuesday (23/4), we have examined and named the perpetrator as a suspect," said Fitrayadi.

According to him, the actions of these unscrupulous teachers will be subject to Article 81 or Article 82 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2016 concerning the stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection into Law.

"With a maximum threat of 15 years in prison," said Fitrayadi.

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