History tourism in the Kota Tua area in West Jakarta is increasingly in demand by a number of visitors due to a new ride wrapped in horror on Tuesday, April 23.

Moreover, the vehicle is located in an empty building with an ancient artistic building. The empty building was transformed into a mystery tourist ride with the theme of the ghost house of angker Batavia warehouse.

Located in Rumah Akar, with hundreds of years old gardens, the old colonial-era building was then magicd into horror tourism. Frightened impressions were felt in every corner of the area.

So detailed, a number of properties were also seen making the location of the old house so scary, from the Dutch Noni to the workers who were being tortured like the colonial era to ancient tombstones with blood droplets.

Gita (25), one of the visitors, said that her valuable experience entered this vehicle. He came from Manado, North Sulawesi to the Kota Tua area.

"Incidentally, it was crowded on social media, in the end I was desperate to enter," said Gita, saying that the impression of horror was presented on the ride, Tuesday, April 23.

During the adventure inside, Gita was surprised when she was tricked by ghost talents on the ride. Even some of his friends had cried in fear.

Syifa (29) also experienced fear when entering this ride. Her face turned red after leaving the room.

"I couldn't open my eyes because I was afraid," added Syifa.

The manager of the Batavia Angker Warehouse, Sheila, who distinguishes the ride from other ghost houses is the sensation of a natural horror experience due to the selection of supporting places.

"The most different is that our location is very supportive of our story. Our location is already natural to have a horror vibe," said Sheila.

He also prepared this concept carefully so that visitors were satisfied while enjoying the ride. Consisting of four rooms, Sheila explained that there are several places that stimulate adrenaline.

"Regarding the storyline itself, we really tried to revive the era where the story is abandoned warehouse," he said.

Even though it was horror and seemed to make a heart, Sheila guaranteed that the safety of the vehicle was because each corner of the room had CCTV installed.

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