LAMPUNG SELATAN - Police have named Masyusnirda alias MYS, an employee of the Bakauheni Harbormaster and Port Authority (KSOP) Office, South Lampung as a suspect in holding an airsoft gun to the Kiemas Ekhsan parking counter officer.

"After conducting an investigation, investigating, and conducting a case title and based on sufficient evidence, against the reported witness MYS as an ASN at KSOP Bakauheni, we have named him a suspect," said South Lampung Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Dedi Ardi Putra, Sunday 5 December.

The Bakauheni KSOP employee pointed a firearm at Kiemas Ekhsan at the parking counter at the Bakauheni Port exit on Friday (3/1/2025) at around 04.54 WIB.

The police charged Masyusnirda with Article 335 of the Criminal Code concerning unpleasant acts that led to coercion and violence, with the threat of a sentence of one year in prison or a fine of Rp. 4 million to Rp. 5 million. Masyusnirda is now being held at the South Lampung Police Detention Center.

Dedi explained that the weapon used by Bakauheni KSOP employees in the detention of the counter officers did not have a permit or was illegal. The police have confiscated the airsoft gun.

"If you don't have this permit, we consider it illegal. You should get permission from Perbakin, for use it must also be clear, if it is used for negative things it can have a dangerous impact," said Dedi. The action of the Bakauheni KSOP employee who became a suspect pointed a gun at Kiemas Ekhsan at the Port counter had gone viral on social media.

In the CCTV footage, the gun was held when the victim checked the perpetrator's parking ticket from inside the parking counter. Meanwhile, the perpetrator was seen driving a black minibus.

After Kiemas Ekhsan entered the police number of the suspect's car and asked for a parking fee of Rp. 41.000 according to the results that appeared on the monitor, Masyusnirda was angry. Bakauheni KSOP employee took out a gun and held the victim at gunpoint.

The suspect forced the victim to open the portal for the leak's exit while threatening to crash his car into the portal if it didn't open immediately.

Not only that, Masyusnirda also fired one shot at the scene. Feeling threatened, the victim finally opened the portal exit of Bakauheni Port as requested by the KSOP Bakauheni employee who had become a suspect.

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