JAKARTA - Nearly 300 bodies were found in a mass grave near Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza by Gaza Civil Defense workers, following the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the area in early April.

"We have found 283 martyrs from mass graves in Nasser Medical Complex yard since the withdrawal of Israeli troops," Civil Defense Director Khan Younis Colonel Yamen Abu Suleiman told CNN Monday, as reported April 23.

Furthermore, Suleiman claimed that some of the bodies there were found in the condition of their hands and feet tied.

"There are signs of execution in the field. We don't know if they were buried alive or executed. Most of the bodies are rotten," he said.

Suleiman and unable to confirm the cause of death among the excavated bodies. CNN has raised a number of questions to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) about the discovery of the mass grave.

Meanwhile, a man at the scene told CNN he had not found the body of his 21-year-old son, who was killed in January.

"I haven't found it yet. We buried it there. But we couldn't find it. And we wanted to give him a decent grave."

Nasser Hospital became one of the hospitals attacked and raided by the Israeli military. Last February, they carried out a special operation at the hospital, claiming to have arrested dozens of suspects and weapons from inside the hospital.

Israel left the city of Khan Younis with a rubble condition on April 7, after carrying out months of attacks.

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