Expert: Maximum Law Enforcement Is Needed In Efforts To Eradicate Online Gambling
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Lecturer of the PTIK College of Police Science (STIK) as well as cybersecurity expert Dr. Pratama Persadha sees the need for maximum law enforcement in efforts to eradicate effective online gambling (online).

"Good law enforcement measures must be able to deter dealers, agents and online gamblers," said Pratama Persadha, quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 20.

For example, said Pratama, conducting a thorough investigation into online gambling practices, including tracking digital traces and activities of the perpetrators.

According to him, it is important to collect strong enough evidence for the next legal process. After strong enough evidence is collected, law enforcement agencies need to take firm action against dealers, agents, and online gamblers.

Pratama who is also the Chairman of the CISSReC Cyber Security Research Institute said that the legal process must comply with applicable legal provisions and give punishments in accordance with violations.

In addition, he views it as important that the Government cooperates with internet service providers to block online gambling game links, not just blocking illegal online gambling sites.

This step, according to Pratama, can help reduce public access to detrimental online gambling sites.

"It is also important to disseminate and educate the public about the dangers and consequences of online gambling," said the graduate lecturer at the State Intelligence College (STIN).

By increasing public awareness, he hopes to reduce interest and participation in online gambling practices.

Cooperation between law enforcement agencies, the government, and the public, continued Pratama, is very important in creating an environment free from illegal online gambling.

Previously, Indonesian President Jokowi indicated the establishment of an online gambling eradication task force. In this regard, Pratama conveyed several steps, namely involving various related parties, such as the police, the prosecutor's office, and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

In addition, it is also necessary to involve related ministries such as the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as well as the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

The involvement of cybersecurity experts in eradicating online gambling in Indonesia, according to Pratama, is also an important step that can increase effectiveness in facing the challenges of cybercrime.

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