JAKARTA - The Legal Aid Consultation Institute and the Choice of Settlement of Disputes at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (FH UI) as attorneys for victims of alleged immoral Hasyim Asy'ari said that until Friday afternoon they had just made a report to the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) RI and had not reported it to the Police.
"Sexual violence is a criminal case, and here what we are putting forward is that it is still ethics, a code of ethics from the KPU," said the attorney for victim Maria Diinita Prosperianti in an online public discussion witnessed from Jakarta, Antara, Friday, April 19.
In addition, Maria explained that the actions of the KPU chairman as a defendant were included in the violation of the code of ethics based on DKPP Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for General Election Organizers.
"The first is about integrity violation. Integrity here has several principles, namely the principle of being honest and fair, and also then violating professionalism on proportional and professional principles. In essence, the chairman of the KPU is suspected of using power relations," he said.
In addition to the power relationship that occurs in women and men, there is a position relationship between superiors and subordinates, namely the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU and one of the members of the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) who served in Europe.
"Here it is clearly visible from the start. We can see that there has been a real act, evidence that really sees an alleged structured, systematic, and active effort from the defendant here to use his position and then also his power not to respect, demean, also to injure women's dignity and honor, in this case, are victims," he said.
Hasyim's relationship with the victim does not include a romantic relationship, because the victim does not have the option to reject the actions committed by the defendant.
"Even though they are both adults, it does not mean that they are both in an equal relationship because in this power relationship, the complainant has no more option to reject all the actions directed at him by the defendant," he said.
Meanwhile, he said that in reporting to the DKPP RI, a number of evidences had been submitted showing violations of the code of ethics by Hasyim. He said that Hasyim prioritized his personal interests to satisfy his sexual desires.
"There have been several dozen pieces of evidence, yes, such as screenshots (screenshots) of conversations, photos, and videos, as well as evidence. I have explained earlier, this evidence can show that it is truly structured, systematic, and active, and here the defendant also provides information manipulation and also spreads confidential information to show his power," he explained.
Meanwhile, he said that Hasyim's actions to the victim showed repeated actions. Therefore, he hopes that the Indonesian DKPP will not only give a stern warning to the case involving his client.
"There is a similar case, but maybe a little different from what happened to the gold woman. This has also been given the last tough warning sanction. So after a decision from the DKPP, our target should be that the sanction given is no longer a warning, but is termination," he said.
Previously, Maria together with other victim's attorneys reported the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asy'ari to the DKPP RI Office, Jakarta, Thursday, April 18.
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