JAKARTA - The police will examine the owner of the Brother Frame shop in Mampang, South Jakarta regarding the fire incident that killed 7 people on Thursday, April 17.

Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Hendrikus Yossi explained that the examination of the shop owner was so that he could get information about the incident. Yossi was reluctant to reveal the identity of the shop owner. He explained that the shop owner was still in the hospital to study medical treatment due to injuries in the fire incident.

"We picked up the ball to the hospital to get information or get information regarding the chronology of events. Especially the key witnesses who were at the scene," Yossi told reporters at the location, Friday, April 19.

For information, there were 12 victims in the Bro Frame shop fire incident in Mampang, South Jakarta.

7 out of 12 people were declared dead. While the rest are currently undergoing treatment due to the burns he suffered.

"5 victims were injured who have been evacuated since last night and are currently still in intensive care," he said.

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