JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura added personnel to anticipate an increase in the backflow of Lebaran 2024 at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

"For this condition, we are coordinating with airlines. Yesterday all officers have been collected, the groundhandling airline is ready to face the peak of homecoming backflow, such as in Lion Air there are an additional 100 officers to help with baggage," said Senior Manager of Branch Communication and Legal, Holik Muardi in Tangerang, Sunday, April 14, as reported by Antara.

Since the beginning of this year's Lebaran homecoming period, his party has deployed 9,416 personnel. Of the thousands of personnel, consisting of Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting, Apron Movement Control, aviation security or Avsec.

"In addition, BKO TNI and Polri, facilities care, customer service, digital service and so on," he said.

All facilities are also confirmed to be ready, such as airside facilities, including runways, garbarata, visual docking guidance systems (VDGS). Furthermore, security facilities such as walkthrough metal detectors (WMTD), Body Scanner, X-ray, and CCTV.

The peak of the return flow for Lebaran homecoming at Soetta Airport occurred on D+3, namely Sunday (14/4), where there were 173,846 passengers from 1,138 flights with details of 572 departures and 566 arrivals.

As for the number of passenger movements with a total of 173,846, it is dominated by arrival passengers with a total of 92,636, while for departure there are 81,210 passengers.

For details, the number of passengers at Terminal 1, which is 29,932 passengers with 192 flights. Terminal 2, 57,328 passengers with 387 flights and at Terminal 3, 86,586 passengers with 540 flights.

Users of air transportation services during the period of Eid al-Fitr's return on the third day began to bustle with passenger movements by traveling between destinations to return to their hometowns or on vacation.

According to him, the peak of backflow will occur on Monday, April 15, 2024. Passengers arriving at the airport are predicted to reach 192,000 people.

"We will increase coordination with airlines, of course, ahead of the peak of this homecoming return flow, because based on data starting tomorrow (Monday 15 April) the peak of backflow with 192 thousand," he explained.

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