JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia shared the chronology when giving quick assistance to pregnant women who were caught giving birth during the train journey. According to information from the KAI Service Control Center, Train Passengers on behalf of Meliana who was pregnant were accompanied by their husband wanting to go home using a Sembrani train with Bekasi-Cepu relations. However, while traveling before Tegal Station, Meliana felt pain in her stomach with the position at that time she was in a border between executives 4 and 5. Luckily, there were other passengers who worked as pediatricians at the Kariadi Hospital (RS) Semarang named Rina Pratiwi and the midwife of the Senen Jakarta Health Center named Feni Wulandari who then Condektur KA Sembrani reported the incident to the Service Control Center to be coordinated with the relevant Officers including the Fire Operations Control Center (Pusdalopka) 4 Semarang and the Tegal Health Post for immediate follow-up assistance. On the way to the Tegal Health Post, the baby head of the position has yet to be successful in giving birth. Therefore, from the Tegal Health Post, Ambulce was prepared to be referred to the Islam Hospital. your Hope is Tegal. "Thanks to the alertness and the readiness of all passenger service elements. Finally, the male darkminant was born safely in a normal way," said Public Relations Manager KAI Daop 1 Jakarta Ixfan Hendriwintoko in a statement to the media, Thursday 11 April. For this incident, PT Kereta Api Indonesia gave appreciation to Health Workers who have assisted mothers who are in the process of giving birth on trains as well as KAI teams that provide responsiveness to help.

On the same occasion, Ixfan also appealed to passengers of pregnant women if they wanted to travel by train, immediately report their condition during boarding or bring a doctor's letter. "For pregnant women, if they want to travel, they should report their condition to the boarding or at least bring a certificate from the doctor so that the team from KAI can prioritize their safety," said Ixfan.

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