The joint team from the 2024 Lebaran Transportation Pokso Tanjung Pandan Port, Bangka Belitung, evacuated 95 passengers of KM Salvia to a patrol boat and a local fishing boat.
"We evacuated 95 passengers from the ship KM Salvia who were traveling to another ship because of the receding Pelindo 2 port pier water so that the ship could not dock," said the Coordinator of Safety for Sailing Guard and Patrol KSOP Class IV Tanjung Pandan, Iswandi in Tanjung Pandan, quoted from Antara, Monday, April 8.
KM Salvia carrying dozens of Eid travelers sailed from the port of Tanjung Priok entering the waters of Tanjung Pandan on Sunday, April 7 at around 08.00 WIB.
However, because the sea water was in a receding condition, KM Salvia could not pass through the shipping lane to dock at the Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Pandan port pier.
With conditions of flow that did not allow it to dock, the KM captain decided to anchor at a distance of approximately two to three nautical miles from Tanjung Pandan port.
Syaiful Anwar said that as a form of alertness and excellent service from the Lebaran 2024 Transportation post, his party decided to transfer 95 passengers from the KM Salvia to the Satpolair and fishermen, so that passengers did not have to wait long on the boat.
"If you wait for the high tide, it will take 12 hours or on Sunday (8/4) at 01.00 WIB, the ship can only enter and dock at the Tanjung Pandan port pier. This time is quite a long time to feel sorry for the passengers who are also made up of children," he said.
For this reason, he continued, his party decided to transfer 95 passengers of KM Salvia to a ship owned by Satpolair and local fishermen.
"Finally, we decided to carry out the transfer and in less than two hours we managed to bring all passengers to the Tanjung Pandan port pier safely, smoothly, and safely," he said.
He explained that the arrival of KM Salvia was the last voyage from Tanjung Priok port to Tanjung Pandan to serve the 2024 Eid homecoming flow.
"So we provide the best service at the last arrival of the ship at the 2024 Lebaran homecoming by going directly to collaborate to move the passengers and their luggage from above KM Salvia," he said.
If the sea conditions are high, continued Syaiful, KM Salvia will still lean and dock at the Tanjung Pandan port pier to carry out vehicle and goods unloading activities.
"Alhamdulillah, the entire process of moving passengers from above KM Salvia went smoothly and we would like to welcome the passengers to meet and gather with their beloved families," he said.
In addition, thanks were also conveyed to all members of the 2024 Eid Transport Post team at Tanjung Pandan port such as Satpolair Polda Babel, Satpolair Polres Belitung, Basarnas, Polres Belitung l, TNI AD, TNI AU, TNI AL, Port Health Office, Dishub Belitung, Satpol PP Belitung, and other personnel who are members of the 2024 Eid Transportation Post.
"Thank you for the synergy and collaboration cooperation during the 2024 Eid homecoming flow and we will prepare again to oversee the return flow of Lebaran 2024," he said.
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