JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds officials who have not submitted a report on the assets of state administrators (LHKPN) to carry out their obligations. Reports made after the deadline of March 31, 2024 will still be received.

"KPK appeals to state administrators or reporting obligations who have not submitted LHKPN to continue fulfilling their reporting obligations," said KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati to reporters in a written statement quoted on Saturday, April 6.

Ipi said that there were still a total of 14,072 officials who had not reported their wealth. In detail, 9,111 officials came from the central and regional executive fields; 4,046 officials from the legislature; 175 officials from the judiciary; and 740 officials from BUMN/BUMD.

"The KPK will still receive the LHKPN submitted after the deadline but the LHKPN will still be recorded with the reporting status 'delayed reporting'," he said.

Ipi said there was no longer any reason for officials not to report their wealth. Because, they can convey it online through the website www.elhkpn.kpk.go.id.

"This application allows state officials or are required to report to fill and submit wealth reports electronically at any time and from anywhere," he said.

Furthermore, the anti-corruption commission appreciated 392,772 of the 406,844 officials who had submitted their wealth reports. Ipi said, LHKPN is one of the instruments to prevent corruption.

"KPK expresses its appreciation to state administrators or obliged to report who have fulfilled their obligations to convey the periodic LHKPN 2023 in a timely and complete manner," he concluded.

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