JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran legal team presented expert witness Muhammad Qodari in the 2024 presidential election dispute trial at the Constitutional Court (MK), Thursday, April 4. During the trial, Qodari openly claimed to have founded the Prabowo-Gibran winning volunteer organization.

This confession began with the question of a member of Anies-Muhaimin's legal team, Refly Harun about Qodari's alignment during the 2024 presidential election.

"Are you part of the Prabowo-Gibran campaign team, or not?" asked Refly.

"I am an activist. My personal choice is 02," replied Qodari.

Refly then asked whether Qodari had ever founded a volunteer organization that won one of the candidate pairs (paslon) in the 2024 presidential election. Qodari, who is also the Executive Director of the Indo Barometer survey institute, confirmed it.

"Oiya, I founded an organization called 'Once Round Movement'," replied Qodari.

Refly's question converged with the direction of the volunteer organization formed by Qodari.

"Those volunteers are for Prabowo-Gibran's victory?" asked Refly again.

"That's right, I complete, victory in one round and success brilliantly," said Qodari.

Furthermore, Refly then asked about the Indo Barometer which was founded by Qodari. During the period of the 2024 presidential election, Refly questioned how many times Indo Barometer held a survey and asked Qodari to show the source of the funds carrying out the activity.

"That's your company, the company is not an NGO, right? How many times have you conducted a survey related to the presidential election, and where are the sources of the funds coming from? Or who are the donors?" Refly said.

"You are a legal entity. As a form of accountability, there must be a tax. I don't think you are willing to give photocopies of taxes to the panel of judges," he continued.

Against the panel of judges in the 2024 presidential election dispute trial, Refly suggested that when Qodari shared data related to what Anies-Muhaimin's legal team asked for, it was difficult to digest in reading it.

"If the panel of judges doesn't understand reading it, look for an independent survey that is not from winning, to see that," he said.

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