Ustaz At The Banten Baros Was Beaten By A Mobile Bank, FKUB Entrusted His Legal Process To The Police
Illustration of violence accompanied by beatings. (Pixabay)

BANTEN - Religious Communication Forum (FKUB) Lebak Regency entrusted the police with the case of beating a cleric by a mobile bank or bangke in Baros, Serang, Banten, Sunday 31 March. "We hope that the local police can immediately arrest the perpetrators of the violence," said FKUB Secretary of Lebak Regency KH Ahmad Hudori in Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Banten, Thursday 4 April, confiscated by Antara. Police must move quickly to resolve the problem of violence and arrest perpetrators of mobile banks from certain ethnic groups. FKUB Lebak Regency should not let such a small case be sweeping by Sundanese groups against certain ethnic groups. Sweeping is quite excessive, especially at this time the month of Ramadan which must be preserved. "We must not until the pollution of Ramadan month is tainted by the feud, fighting, fighting, commotion, especially now the holy month of Ramadan," said Ahmad Hudori. Head of the Batak Community of Lebak Regency, Halson Nainggolan, said that his party condemned the violence of mobile bank employees who abused ustadz in Baros, Serang Regency. The violence was certainly completely unjustified, so that the perpetrators must be arrested and prosecuted. The consequences of the violence committed by the employees of the mobile bank in Lebak Regency are also ordered for action and will carry out sweeps of certain ethnic groups. However, thanks to the alertness of the apparatus, he also coordinated with several other mass organizations could prevent delaying the action, especially at this time the holy month of Ramadan.

Selain itu juga pihaknya mengapresiasi para ulama di Banten yang menyampaikan kedamaian dan sepenuhnya kasus kekerasan itu ditangani pihak kepolisian."Kami berharap kasus kekerasan yang menimpa ustadz ini bisa segera diselesaikan dan pelakunya diproses hukum,"katanya menjelaskan.Berdasarkan keterangan Polresta Serang Kota hingga Kamis 4 April, menangkap lima pelaku pengeroyokan terhadap ustaz di Kecamatan Baros.Pelaku disebut sebagai penagih utang dari bank keliling atau koperasi simpan pinjam, masing-masing inisial RSM, PS, RP, FM, dan IS."Untuk RSM ditangkap dilokasi kejadian. PS dan RP ditangkap di Pelabuhan Merak. FM dan IS ditangkap di Pasar Kemis Tangerang," kata Kasi Humas Polresta Serkot Kompol Iwan Sumantri.

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