The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) established a homecoming post in the Gombel area, Semarang, with a parking capacity of around 100 motorbikes.

"Parking bag for two wheels is approximately 100 enough motorbikes," said Head of BPBD Semarang City Endro P Martanto at the opening of the 2024 Lebaran Homecoming Integrated Humanitarian Command Post in the Gombel area, Semarang, Wednesday, April 3, which was confiscated by Antara.

The cooperation post with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) also provides main tents to rest with a capacity of around 30 beds, portable toilets, prayer rooms, public kitchens, and ambulances for medical purposes.

"We provide (a command post, ed.) as a place to rest. In principle, it is quite feasible. The 24-hour'stay' public kitchen has coffee, hot tea, snacks, and makeshift food. There is also electric massage," he said.

According to him, the post is intended to provide a resting place for travelers, especially those using motorbikes that will head south or towards Solo Raya.

He explained that the location selection was because the Gombel Semarang area was a route passed by travelers, especially using motorbikes heading south, namely Solo Raya.

"Most of the four wheels have crossed the toll road. For the south, to Solo Raya, most of them have passed here (Gombel, ed.). Possibly, starting April 5 evening," he said.

He admitted that there had been an appeal from the Ministry of Transportation not to go home using motorbikes because there was a free homecoming program, but in practice there were still many who went home on motorbikes.

What is clear, he said, is that BPBD has the main mission to move in the humanitarian field which is not only covered by natural disasters, but there is a social function, such as services during Eid homecoming and backflow.

"When there was no disaster, we started to focus with other agencies moving together, and coincidentally the support of the volunteer community in Semarang was extraordinary for this post," said Endro.

The homecoming post is opened April 3-16, 2024 with 15 officers on guard every day according to standard operating procedures (SOP), consisting of seven Semarang City BPBD officers and eight volunteers.

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