Ahmad, Head of RT 02/51, Ciangsana Village as a representative of the residents of the Cluster Visalia Tourism City Housing, Ciangsana Village, Bogor Regency, explained that residents of housing since the beginning of buying houses never knew of the existence of a bullet warehouse around the residential area.

Over time, the warehouse containing expired ammunition finally exploded and the debris rained down on the Visalia Cluster City Housing, Ciangsana Village, causing damage.

"From the start, residents bought this house without any knowledge of any bullet warehouses. There was no notification (there was an ammunition warehouse)," he said with full disappointment with the developer, Wednesday, April 3.

Ahmad and hundreds of residents of the Kota Wisata Visalia Housing, Ciangsana Village, admitted that they were disappointed with the attitude of the developer.

"We as buyers, land owners from the developer. For this incident, the developer has not met the affected residents," he said.

Meanwhile, after the explosion of the Regional Munition Warehouse (Gud cheap) on Saturday, March 30, the sweeping of the remaining debris from the explosion was still carried out by Jihandak. Ahmad said that since Sunday, March 31, a search has been carried out and has been recovered.

"Yesterday, the Jihandak team conducted a search again to ensure that no material was left behind or scattered in residential areas. The information will be carried out for several weeks for sterilization of debris, the fear of being tucked in the bushes and tiles. Residents are still worried, still traumatized by the incident, especially children," he explained.

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