Acting Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Nana Sudjana ensures that food and energy supplies in the area are safe during Lebaran 2024 so that people do not need to panic by shopping excessively.

"We urge the public to shop according to their needs and not to overdo it. Food and energy stocks (BBM, LPG, and electricity, ed.) are sufficient," said Nana, in Semarang, Central Java, Tuesday, April 2, quoted by Antara.

The Central Java Provincial Government together with forkompimda and related agencies continue to synergize to ensure that the distribution of basic needs, such as basic necessities, fuel, LPG, and electricity run well.

"We will be on standby 24 hours to maintain the distribution of food and energy. We guarantee food availability until the end of Eid al-Fitr," said the former Metro Jaya Police Chief.

Head of Perum Bulog Regional Central Java-DIY Akhmad Kholisun said that the rice stock was sufficient with a total of 25,591 tons, consisting of 19,588 tons of rice in warehouses in the Central Java region and 6,003 tons in the Yogyakarta region.

"A total of 67,314 tons of rice are still on the way, so the stock can reach 92,480 tons for Central Java-DIY. The distribution is 30 thousand tons per month, so the stock will be sufficient for the next three months," he said.

Meanwhile, Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Executive General Manager (EGM) Central Java Regional Aji Anom Purwasakti also said that the stock of fuel and LPG is still in a safe condition.

Fuel stock, he said, always changes every day due to distribution and supply, such as as as as of Monday (1/4) yesterday stock for LPG up to 4.7 days (3,493 MT per day), Pertalite 11.5 days (18,582 KL per day), Pertamax 30 days (3,609 KL per day).

Then, Pertamax Turbo up to 7.2 days (67 KL per day), Solar 20.3 days (4,978 KL per day), Pertamina Dex 29.9 days (130 KL per day), and Aftur only up to 46.7 days (262 KL per day).

"The conditions are safe and run smoothly. We will keep the stock safe," he said.

The inflation rate in Central Java is currently still under control even though there is an upward trend from before, namely monthly (month to month) 0.6 percent and year on year (yoy) 3.4 percent, or still on target, which is a maximum of 3.5 percent or 2.5 percent plus minus 1 percent.

Central Java's inflation in February 2024 was 0.54 percent and number one in Java, but in March 2024 it was at number three in Java despite an increase of 0.6 percent.

"The highest in West Java, the second in Banten, the third in Central Java. This decrease in (ranked) after the GPM ( Cheap Food Movement) activity that we carried out together between provinces and regencies/cities and BI throughout Central Java was able to curb inflation," said Head of Bank Indonesia BI Central Java Representative Rahmat Dwisaputra.

The increase in inflation occurred in three regions, namely Rembang, Wonosobo, and Wonogiri, he said, so that in the future GPM is expected to be concentrated in the three areas.

"This year's inflation, God willing, can be controlled. The donors are broiler chicken, broiler eggs, and rice," he said.

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