The Driver Of The Red Truck Victim Pickup At GT Halim Utama Alami Brain Bleeding
Accident At GT Halim Utama/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - One of the four victims of a series of accidents at the Halim Utama toll gate (GT), East Jakarta suffered severe brain hemorrhage. The victim is still being treated at the UKI Hospital, Cawang, East Jakarta, Thursday, March 28.

"One victim suffered quite serious injuries. The results of the CT Scan showed bleeding in the brain, so he had to receive intensive care. Now his condition is quite stable, we just continue to observe," said Head of the UKI Hospital Emergency Installation, Dr. Ronaldo Sianturi.

The victim who was seriously injured was the pickup driver. Meanwhile, the other three victims, he said, were allowed to go home and were enough outpatient treatment because they only suffered minor injuries.

"Three minor injuries, only abrasions on the hands, legs, there are also abrasions on the waist, we do CT Scan, it's safe," he said.

One of the four victims who was rushed to the UKI Cawang Hospital was suspected to be the 17-year-old truck driver who was the cause of the accident. The alleged perpetrator only suffered minor injuries.

As a result of the accident, the total number of vehicles involved amounted to seven vehicles. Director of Traffic of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Latif Usman said the successive accident at the Halim Utama Toll Gate from the direction of Bekasi was preceded by the first accident experienced by a red furniture truck 300 meters before the toll gate.

"We saw several existing CCTVs, the incident began with (accident) two vehicles before the second TKP (at GT Halim Utama)," he said.

Police will still investigate the details of the accident that occurred at the first crime scene. However, after the first accident, the red furniture truck drove its vehicle fast towards the toll gate.

Whereas before the toll gate, there were already queues of vehicles at the toll gate.

"So he broke through and pushed the pickup vehicle until it was thrown into the five substations," he said.

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