ITE Experts Will Be Involved In Cases Of Alleged Violations Of The ITE Law Connie Bakrie
South Jakarta Metro Police/ Photo: Jehan/VOI

JAKARTA - Polisi akan melibatkan Ahli ITE terkait laporan terhadap Connie Rahakundini Bakrie yang menuding polisi punya akses ke Sirekap dan form C1 kemudian mengeditnya, di media sosial Instagram.

Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi, said that his party was still investigating the report made by the Head of the South Jakarta Election Care Alliance, Ayyubi Kholid, to a military observer, Connie Bakrie.

"And we will also of course conduct an examination of experts. Yes, it is an expert because it is related to ITE," Yossi told reporters, Wednesday, March 27.

According to Yossi, by involving ITE experts, his party could find out whether there was a criminal element in the report.

"Of course ITE experts who we will also ask for information in their capacity as experts," he said.

As previously known, Connie Bakrie was reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police by the Chairperson of the South Jakarta Election Care Alliance, AyyUBi Kholid.

The report is registered with Number: LP/B/860/III/2023/SPKT/Polres Metro South Jakarta/Polda Metro Jaya

"We received a police report about the ITE crime with the reported sister Connie Rahakundini," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Bintoro when confirmed, Saturday, March 23.

Bintoro said his party was following up on the report. It is planned that a number of witnesses and evidence related to the case will be examined.

"Furthermore, in the near future, we will schedule witness examination and collect evidence related to the reported crime," he said.

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