Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, touched on the government's misuse of social assistance or social assistance aimed at winning one of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) contestants.

He made this satire when giving a statement at the beginning of the trial of the election results dispute (PHPU) at the Constitutional Court (MK).

Starting from Anies who mentioned that there were several irregularities during the 2024 election process. In fact, it is said that there was a deployment of state institutions.

"Among the irregularities we have witnessed is the use of state institutions to win one of the candidates who explicitly does not meet the established criteria," said Anies, Wednesday, March 27.

Anies straightforwardly said that there had been fraudulent practices in the form of using apparatus in the regions. In addition, there is also a promise of reward, even pressure.

"There is also a disturbing practice, where regional officials are under pressure and even being rewarded for influencing the direction of political choice," he said.

Then, Anies mentioned the misuse of social assistance. Where, it is suspected that it aims to win one of the 2024 presidential election contestants.

"As well as the misuse of aid from social assistance countries which are actually intended for the welfare of the people, instead of being used as a transactional tool to win one of the candidates," said Anies.

For information, the presidential election dispute lawsuit filed by Anies and Muhaimin has case number 2/PHPU.PRES-XXII/2024. In the lawsuit, they wanted a re-voting by disqualifying Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

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