JAKARTA - Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strongly rebuked a battalion commander who went into discussion about settlements in Gaza, which later withdrew its statement after the IDF said it was not in accordance with their protocol.

The figure in question is the Commander of Battalion 82 of the 7th Armored Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Opir Caspi. He was reprimanded by his division commander for the political statement given to reporters in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, yesterday.

Lieutenant Colonel Caspi told reporters the "solution" to defeat Hamas in Gaza was by building settlements.

"IDF must control the area, I think if settlements return here, we have won," he was quoted as saying by The Times of Israel March 22.

If we kill (Yahya) Sinwar, we will not destroy Hamas, others will come. The solution is to return here, such as settlements in Judea and Samaria," he said, referring to the West Bank with Hebrew names in the Bible.

Meanwhile, the IDF said Lieutenant Colonel Caspi was summoned by his division commander to provide clarification, after being reprimanded for "his statement that was not in accordance with IDF protocol and what was expected from an IDF commander."

"The student withdrew his words and expressed regret," said the IDF.

The IDF added that Lieutenant Colonel Caspi is currently fighting in Khan Younis, and the statement was made amid a long conversation with reporters about the ongoing fighting.

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