JAKARTA - Former senior politician from the Democratic Party (PD), Jhoni Allen Marbun, has sued the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), to court because he did not accept being fired from the party bearing the Mercy Star logo.

Apart from AHY, Jhoni also sued the Secretary-General of the PD, Teuku Riefky Harsya, and the Chairman of the PD Honorary Council, Hinca Pandjaitan.

Quoted by VOI from the Central Jakarta District Court's Case Tracking Information System page, Wednesday, March 3, Jhoni's lawsuit has been registered with case number: 135/Pdt.G/2021/PN Jkt.Pst. dated March 2, 2021.

Jhoni sued AHY, Teuku Riefky, and Hinca Pandjaitan with a case of Acts against the Law.

As for Jhoni's demands, among others:

1. Accept and grant the Plaintiff's claim in its entirety;

2. To declare that Defendant I, Defendant II, and Defendant III have committed acts against the law;

3. Declare invalid and/or null and void all actions or decisions of Defendant III related to the dismissal of the Plaintiff;

4. Declare invalid and/or null and void by the Decree of the Honorary Council of the Democratic Party Number: 01/SK/DKPD/II/2021 dated February 2, 2021, concerning Recommendations for the Dismissal of Sanski as Permanent Dismissal of the Democratic Party to Drh Jhoni Allen Marbun, MM.

Declare invalid and/or null and void by the Decree of the Democratic Party Central Executive Council Number: 09/SK/DPP.PD/II/2021 dated February 26, 2021, concerning Permanent Dismissal of the Democratic Party.

Previously, Jhoni Allen Marbun was involved in bickering over the dismissal of himself and 6 other Democratic Party cadres with the Secretary of the PD Party High Council (MTP), Andi Mallarangeng.

Jhoni emphasized that he would continue to bring the case of disrespectful dismissal to legal channels.

"The legal issues will continue", said Jhoni live on Kompas TV, quoted on Tuesday, March 2.

Jhoni also provided several facts related to the implementation of KLB Volume I and the Congress, the election of AHY as a chairman was a diversion from the dynastic party.

Andi then refuted Jhoni's statement that he forgot history. Andi even said that Jhoni deserved to be fired for trying to sell the party and conspiring with outsiders, the former member of the DPR/Parliament who was in PAW (alternation between times) was furious.

Hearing Andi's accusation, Jhoni then exposed Andi's bad behavior while in the Democratic Party. He said that Andi had a big share in destroying the PD by committing a criminal act of corruption.

"You learn manners, Jhoni is not whining, different from those of you who like to justify any means to get money", said Jhoni.

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