JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin wants the increase in transportation rates in the 2024 Eid homecoming season not too high or within reasonable limits that can be reached by the public.

This was conveyed by the Vice President regarding the potential increase in public transportation mode tariffs which usually occur during the Lebaran homecoming season, coupled with the current condition of increasing a number of food prices.

"Indeed, everything is now happening indicating an increase in food prices, so it affects others (transport rates). However, we hope (the tariff is still within reasonable limits, which still make sense and don't be too high. That will be regulated by the government," said the Vice President on the sidelines of a working visit in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Thursday, March 21.

Vice President Ma'ruf emphasized that the government has anticipated a potential spike in Eid homecomings in 2024 by preparing safety and availability of modes of transportation.

Based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, it is predicted that 193 million people will travel for Lebaran homecoming in 2024, where this number increases compared to the number of travelers in 2023, as many as 123 million people.

"Regarding that (increase the number of travelers) I think this year is bigger than last year and it has been anticipated through cabinet meetings, both regarding security, transportation, and availability for transportation," said the Vice President.

The Vice President said the government had prepared a plan to secure homecoming. Even so, the Vice President appealed to the public to always prioritize security when doing homecoming.

The Vice President also assessed that the implementation of the previous year's homecoming arrangements had gone quite well, so it could be adapted and improved this year.

"Last year the results were good and I think this year will be even better than last year," he said.

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