KPU Completes National Recapitulation For 38 Provinces
Screenshot Of KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari

The KPU has completed the recapitulation of national level vote count results for 38 provinces including the Presidential/Vice Presidential Election, DPR member elections and DPD members.

"The recapitulation of the presidential election and the election of DPR members and DPD from 38 provinces have been carried out. Of course, we are aware and know that there are dynamics together, there are records of special incidents, there are notes of objections," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 20.

Hasyim explained that the recapitulation of national votes had been completed and was safe, then continued with the agenda of determining the results of the 2024 General Election at 20.00 WIB.

"Therefore, we declare that the plenary meeting of the recapitulation of the national level of vote acquisition is complete, and we will pause first, and we will reopen later at 20.00," he said.

Therefore, Hasyim asked the witnesses participating in the election to attend the agenda.

"Please very much, ladies and gentlemen, election participants because later the activity will be on the agenda for determining the election results nationally, please present witnesses at the national level," he said.

Meanwhile, after ratifying the recapitulation of the Election for DPD RI Members for the Electoral Region (Dapil) Papua, Hasyim said that his party had completed the recapitulation in 128 regions of the overseas electoral committee (PPLN).

"Thus, a series of plenary meetings to recapitulate the results of votes for elections abroad carried out by PPLN friends at 128 PPLN have been held," he said.

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