JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police has implemented several traffic engineering, one of which is odd-even, to deal with the potential for vehicle buildup during the 2024 Eid Al-Fitr homecoming flow.

However, there are 10 vehicles that are included in the exclusion category in the odd-even rule.

Quoted from the Instagram account @korlantaspolri.ntmc, the first vehicle to be included in the odd-even exception list is the vehicle led by the Republic of Indonesia.

"(Vehicles) President and Vice President, Chairman of the MPR, Chairman of the DPR, Chairman of the DPRD. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Chairman of the Judicial Commission, Minister and the leadership of non-ministerial government institutions," wrote @korlantaspolri.ntmc quoted Saturday, March 16.

The next vehicles that are free are odd-even, namely foreign leaders and officials as well as international institutions that are state guests.

Third, the vehicle marked with the official vehicle number is red or the TNI-Polri service number.

Then, fire engines, ambulances, public transportation with a yellow base motorized vehicle number.

"Term battery-based electric vehicles, special marked vehicles carrying people with disabilities, operational vehicles for toll road managers, and goods transport vehicles," he wrote.

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