JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Silfester Matutina, responded to candidate pair number 1, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and candidate camp number 3, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, who plan to file a lawsuit against the results of the 2024 General Election. Silfester assessed that the Anies and Ganjar camps did not appreciate the performance of their witnesses in the field.

"So, I appeal to candidate pair 01 and 03 respect your witnesses who work day and night, and do not find anything like that," said Silfester in Jakarta, Friday, March 15, evening. Silfester also assessed that the 01 and 03 camps did not seem to appreciate the work of the election organizers. He was concerned that the hard work of the witnesses from the Anies and Ganjar camps was defeated by the narrative of fraud conveyed by the two candidate pairs and their success team.

"So don't let these witnesses work well, but they will be broken by misleading issues raised by 01 and 03," he said.

Even so, Silfester admitted that his party had no problem if later the Ganjar or Anies camp filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court because they were not satisfied with the results of the 2024 presidential election determined by the KPU.

Until now, added Silfester, TKN has also formed a team to fight the lawsuit. It is known, TKN has prepared 36 lawyers to fight Anies or Ganjar's lawsuit.

"I think we also have a legal team that has been formed, and we are ready because we also feel that the evidence that will be submitted later in our opinion will be weak, not significant. We have a data center team that collects all C1 from all over Indonesia and that is valid," he concluded. Meanwhile, TPN Ganjar-Mahfud is said to already have 100 attorneys to apply for election disputes to the Constitutional Court. Meanwhile, the Anies-Imin camp has prepared 1,000 lawyers.

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