Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan responded to the results of monitoring the Kawal website regarding the vote acquisition for the 2024 presidential election.

In this case, the Election Guard stated that there were no indications of fraud being structured and systematic after voting until the 2024 presidential election vote count.

According to Anies, allegations of fraud can not only be seen in terms of vote count, but from the planned registration of election participants to the campaign period.

"It is important to see an election not only at the time of its calculation, but also precalculation, pre-election activities. So, we know that what is produced through the election is in accordance with its objectives," said Anies when met in Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 13.

Anies emphasized that his party is still waiting for the official results of the recapitulation of tiered votes to the national level which is currently being carried out by the General Elections Commission (KPU).

"We will wait until the KPU conveys the results. Then, from there, we will respond. We respect the agency that organizes monitoring, they do their job," said Anies.

Kawal is a site initiated by Ainun Najib that accommodates photos of vote count results at each polling station (TPS) from the public and photos of polling stations from the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap).

In the monitoring site, the vote calculation at the TPS is calculated in the tabulation of data which produces the percentage of vote acquisition for the 2024 Presidential Election.

On his X account, @KawalPemilu_org said that he had completed the C.Hasil monitoring report with a coverage of 82.27 percent of the votes or 677,413 polling stations out of a total of 823,366 polling stations.

Recording of distributed votes from photosources of residents with coverage of 32.9 percent, photos of Sirekap 79.3 percent. Then, there was the results of TPS votes obtained from photos of residents and Sirekap as much as 30 percent.

The Election Guard then compared the sound results of the photo C. The results sent by residents to those seen in Sirekap. As a result, the Election Guard stated that there were no indications of structured, systematic, and massive fraud.

"In 30 percent of this TPS coverage (where there are photos of residents and SIREKAP), the ELECTION Guard compared the results of the ELECTION Guard with the SIREKAP KPU. From this study, we found no indication of fraud after the election voting which was structured and systematic so that it benefited one candidate pair," explained the account @KawaliPemilu_org.

As a result, candidate pair number 1 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar received 25.05 percent of the votes, candidate pair number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka 58.44 percent, and candidate pair number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD 16.51 percent.

"With the results of the REAL COUNT vote count, the 2024 ELECTION Guard still has 17.3 percent of the TPS coverage. However, according to the data, it will not change the preliminary count results. Therefore, we congratulate Paslon 02 who won one round more than 50 percent in the 2024 presidential election," he continued.

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