The Sukabumi City Police Traffic Unit (Satlantas) confiscated dozens of Brong exhaust motorbikes that were caught in raids during routine activities that were increased tonight on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Cikole District, Sukabumi City, West Java. "We confiscated 25 motorbikes because the exhaust has been modified. Dozens of two-wheeled vehicles were then used as evidence of traffic violations and temporarily confiscated at the Sukabumi City Police Satlantas Satpas Office," said Head of Public Relations of the Sukabumi Police, Iptu Astuti Setyaningsih at the Sukabumi City Police Headquarters, Antara, Sunday, March 10. In addition to confiscating motorbikes, officers gave fines on the spot to violators of traffic rules. This step is taken to provide a deterrent effect and raise awareness so that it is always orderly in traffic. According to Astuti, the control will continue with motorists modifying their vehicles with exhausts that do not match specifications or brong.
In addition to controlling exhausts that do not meet specifications, large-scale patrols are also held to several locations in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police which aim to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community.

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