Palestinian Defense Action, Islamic Ormas Council Will Long March From The US Embassy To The HI Roundabout
Palestinian Defense Action (Photo: Rizky Sulistio/VOI)

JAKARTA - A number of community organizations (Ormas) who are members of the Islamic Organization Council (MOI) will conduct a long march from the United States Embassy to the HI Roundabout, Central Jakarta, Saturday, March 9.

The long march was carried out as a form of protest against the Israeli attacks on Palestine.

Chairman of MOI KH Nazar Haris said the long march action was accompanied by fundraising for Gazans who are now having difficulty getting food and drinks.

"This is ahead of Ramadan, we want you to fast. Do not let them fast and cannot break the fast," Nazar told reporters, Saturday, March 9.

According to Nazar, currently in Gaza there are around 300 thousand families suffering from the impact of the blockade by Israel which has hampered humanitarian aid sent by various parties.

"The UN resolution has been repeated by America. Therefore, we are taking action in front of the American Embassy. We will continue to encourage the world to help Palestine," he said.

This action also carries the theme of the Indonesian movement "Nine for One Gaza", a movement where nine Indonesian families bear the cost of living for a family in Gaza.

In the movement, MOI stated that it was working with 27 humanitarian agencies that already had data related to conditions in Gaza to distribute aid.

According to Nazar, the events that occur in Palestine are a humanitarian issue that is the responsibility of fellow humans, so it needs the help of all parties.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the PP Ikatan Dai Indonesia (Ikadi) Khairan Muhammad Arif said that the incident in Palestine which claimed many victims was a humanitarian matter because it was witnessed throughout the world.

"Don't let our time be the history of the destruction of humanity that will be remembered by the next generation," he added.

Previously, it was reported that a number of elements of society and interfaith leaders held the Palestinian Defense Action in front of the US Embassy in Gambir, Central Jakarta on Saturday, March 9. The action was escorted by the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

"Essentially, the Central Jakarta Metro Police together with Polda Metro Jaya are ready to carry out security, oversee and serve the Palestinian Defense Action activities today," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro when confirmed.

Strict security is carried out by joint personnel of the TNI and Polri as well as related agencies.

"Security involves a combined force of 1,467 personnel," he said.

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