JAKARTA - United Development Party (PPP) legislator Amir Uskara was inaugurated as Deputy Chair of the MPR from the PPP faction replacing Arsul Sani. The inauguration procession was held at the Nusantara V Building, the DPR/MPR complex.

The inauguration was attended by the Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo accompanied by the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR from the PKS faction Hidayat Nur Wahid, the PDIP faction Ahmad Basarah, and elements of the DPD Fadel Muhammad. Meanwhile, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR from the PKB faction Jazilul Fawaid, the PAN faction Yandri Susanto, and the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR from the Gerindra faction, Ahmad Muzani, were absent.

Arsul Sani was also present for the handover ceremony for the position of chairman of the MPR.

"By Allah, I swear that Saga will fulfill my obligations as Deputy Chair of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly as well as possible and fairly," Amir said during the inauguration procession, Friday, March 8.

Amir also vowed that he would uphold Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution (UUD) as well as statutory regulations.

The PPP Deputy DPP also promised to uphold the life of democracy and serve the Nation and State.

"That I will fight for the aspirations of the people and the regions that I represent to realize the National commitment for the sake of the Nation and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

Di prosesi acara, Ketua MPR Bambang Soesatyo mengucapkan selamat kepada Amir Uskara. Dia berharap Amir segera menyesuaikan diri untuk bekerja bersama dalam rumah kebangsaan.

"Congratulations to Mr. Dr. H. M Amir Uskara, who has just been inaugurated as deputy chairman of the MPR for the 2019-2024 period," said Bamsoet.

Bamsoet also congratulated the Prophet and prayed for his colleague at the MPR leadership who was entrusted with carrying out his new duties as a judge of the Constitutional Court (MK).

"Today we let him go with great pride," said Bamsoet.

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