JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police has mapped several areas that need special attention during Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran 2024. Central Java and Yogyakarta are at the top.

"Central Java and DIY are in addition to the track route, he is also the destination for the homecoming people, the most percentages are in Central Java and Yogyakarta," said Director of Law Enforcement (Dirgakkum) Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Raden Slamet Santoso to reporters quoted Thursday, March 7.

Then, other regions based on the results of the previous year's analysis and data, East Java became the second area where many travelers would visit.

The special attention in question is related to the flow of vehicle traffic. By becoming the most targeted area, the potential for congestion is getting bigger.

"Number two baru Jawa Timur dan nomor tiganya baru arah Sumatra," sebutnya.

However, that does not mean that other areas do not pay attention. All will be applied similarly to the implementation of traffic engineering schemes in the event of traffic jams.

"I think we have prepared everything from an example that we have definitely paid attention to in the Cipali area, Kalikangkung and then existing functional toll roads. In Cibitung-Cileunyi to Jogja-Solo," said Slamet.

Korlantas Polri predicts an increase in the number of travelers by 6 percent during Eid al-Fitr or Eid Al-Fitr 2024 when compared to the previous year. The number reached 136.7 million people.

"Last year there were more than 123 million Indonesians who went back and forth, and traveled during the Eid al-Fitr holiday, if added 5 percent, 6 percent was at 136 million," said the Head of Traffic Police, Inspector General Aan Suhanan.

In addition, it is also predicted that the peak of the Eid Al-Fitr 2024 homecoming flow will occur on April 5. The traffic engineering scheme has been prepared to unravel congestion.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that to deal with the peak of the homecoming flow, the National Police had prepared several traffic engineering schemes, namely contraflow, one way, and restrictions on the transportation of three-axis goods.

"The diversion of traffic flow is situational, dynamical, which is scheduled to start on April 5, 2024," he said.

Regarding the contraflow scheme, continued Trunoyudo, it will be implemented starting from KM 36 to KM 70 of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

Meanwhile, the one way scheme will be registered from KM 72 Cipali Toll Road to KM 414 Kalikangkung Toll Road.

"(Traffic engineering scheme) Of course this is based on the results of last year's analysis and evaluation," said Trunoyudo.

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