JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto estimates that Indonesia's economic growth could reach 8 percent in the next 5 years.

"Basically, we can boost our own growth. My estimate is, in the next 5 years, we can achieve 8 percent growth maybe more," Prabowo said at the Mandiri Investment Forum 2024 event as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 5.

To achieve this target, Prabowo admitted that he wanted to focus on poverty alleviation by creating as many jobs as possible for the Indonesian people as possible if they were officially appointed as President.

"Because it is also a guideline for the next Indonesian government, we want growth, but we want to overcome poverty, we also want to create jobs," Prabowo said.

In addition, according to Prabowo, the state, in this case BUMN, should also participate in contributing with good strategic steps. He also hopes that his government will be able to manage rational and efficient decisions.

"And what is very clear is that we encourage efficiency, we encourage rational decisions that can prioritize the economy, we must do our best and we are very optimistic that we can do that," said Prabowo.

Prabowo also appreciated Indonesia's economic achievements in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) leadership. This success, he said, can be seen from various aspects including low inflation, trade balance, and controlled debt.

"In my opinion, the Jokowi government is quite successful and fairly good in managing inflation," he said.

Prabowo said President Jokowi always pays attention to detailed matters to meet macroeconomic criteria. One of them is making side policies, as well as encouraging the business run by economic actors at all levels.

"We created business support, MSMEs, to promote e-commerce (commerce-el) for welfare. That is one of Pak Jokowi's philosophy," added Prabowo.

The presidential candidate number 2 also admitted that he learned a lot to advance the country's economy from Jokowi and was optimistic that he could continue the achievements made by the seventh president of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Our makroeconomics are shaking, we are growing, and I am optimistic," said Prabowo.

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