JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has asked the government to ensure that the stages after the general election (election) take place honestly and fairly (jurdil) for the good of the nation.

"If the MUI sees it like this, yes. The election must be overflowing (currently free of secrets), it must not be violated. Second, it is jurdil," said MUI Deputy General Chair Anwar Abbas as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 5.

According to Anwar, elections must be clean so as not to injure democracy and people's voting rights.

In addition, honest values must also be instilled by the organizers so that every election gives birth to legislative candidates or leaders who are trustworthy to the people.

If finally found elements of fraud in the election, Anwar emphasized that the people have the right to take action.

"If it is not honest and fair, the people's right to question it because the sovereignty of this country is not in the General Elections Commission (KPU), the sovereignty of this country is in the hands of the people," he said.

Anwar said the MUI saw the election process going well. However, he is also aware of the many turmoil in the community who question the election results.

He ensured that MUI would continue to take a stand to continue to support all government steps in this year's election.

"So, the MUI principle is like this, as long as the government is right, MUI will support it. However, if the government does not do right, MUI must remind and that is a mandatory law," he said.

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