ACEH - The West Aceh Police have named a man with the initials MD, a resident of Kaway XVI District, a local district on the wanted list (DPO) related to the ownership of 81 packages of marijuana-type narcotics ready for distribution.

"Our MD has been designated as a DPO because the evidence of the marijuana package belongs to him," said Head of the West Aceh Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, AKP Erwo Guntoro, Antara, Sunday, March 3.

AKP Erwo Guntoro said MD was designated as a DPO, after investigators obtained information from three suspects who were previously arrested, admitting that the evidence belonged to a man who is now being hunted by the police.

In this case, the police have also detained three suspected perpetrators who have the status of suspects, each with the initials RP (33 years) a resident of Kuta Padang Village, and RS (37 years) a resident of Suak Sigadeng Village, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency.

The police also detained HR (44 years), a resident of Cot Selamat Village, Samtiga District, West Aceh Regency.

From the suspect's hands, the police also secured 81 packages of marijuana-type narcotics, wrapped in bookcases, consisting of branches, leaves and cannabis seeds.

According to AKP Erwo Guntoro, the marijuana-type narcotics were found by the police from inside a black bag, in which there were two jars of each green with 40 rolls of white paper, containing marijuana-type narcotics consisting of branches, leaves and seeds.

The police also found another blue jar in which there were 41 rolls of white paper, containing marijuana-type narcotics consisting of branches, leaves and seeds.

In this case, investigators also secured a black Nokia cellular phone, a blue Infinix smartphone.

AKP Erwo Guntoro this case was revealed after personnel from the West Aceh Police Narcotics Unit received information from the public regarding the circulation of marijuana-type narcotics in Kuta Padang Village, Meulaboh, West Aceh Regency.

The police then disguised themselves as buyers, and then arrested three suspects in a targeted house.

AKP Erwo said the three suspects who had been detained, the police also urine the three of them also contained elements of Tetrahidrokanabinol (ganja).

"The three suspects are suspected of violating Article 114 Paragraph (1) Subs Article 111 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics," said AKP Erwo Guntoro.

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