JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian asked the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs to continue to strive so that all Indonesians have a Digital Population Identity (IKD) or digital ID.
"This is an effort by the Ministry of Home Affairs to realize the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE), both at the central and regional levels, to be connected," said Tito.
"Digital IDper February 26, 2024, has printed 8.2 millionID. We hope that all Indonesian citizens will have a digital ID card. ID cards that can only be stored on their cellphones, without cards must be in their pockets," Tito said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 28.
He emphasized that digital ID cards are very important as a condition for digital transactions, banking, and business. Moreover, he continued, international transactions no longer require photocopies of e-KTPs, but also with IKD.
"And again, no later than June 2024, nine priority public services will be launched by Mr. President (Joko Widodo) in June. Electronic-Based Government Systems at the center and in all connected areas. The basis will be for pins,passwords, the entrance is digital ID," explained Tito.
Therefore, the Ministry of Home Affairs is pursuing it as quickly as possible so that the Dukcapil ranks can realize IKD which can cover the entire community.
Previously, the Director General (Dirjen) of Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Teguh Setyabudi, revealed that President Jokowi had ratified Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 82 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and the Integratedness of National Digital Services.
"One of the things discussed in this regulation is the acceleration of the presence of integrated priority SPBE in nine government services, no later than the third quarter of 2024," said Teguh.
He explained that Dukcapil's task is to make the nine priority SPBE services successful, including health services, education services, social assistance, population data-based digital identity, One Data Indonesia service, financial transactions, port service integration, state apparatus services, to online SIM.
"IKD plays a role as the basis of all these services. In fact, IKD has been integrated with the SatuSehat application and so on integrated with the Police Precision program. We must achieve this until the end of June 2024 it has been completed. Then, we will continue until September 2024 the implementation has been enjoyed by investigators," he explained.
Teguh emphasized that his staff was preparing the right steps to create conditions to achieve this target.
"So, what we are especially doing is strengthening infrastructure, covering aspects of information technology, systems, networks, and security covering aspects of IKD regulations, interoperability of population data, strengthening security systems, protection of personal data, quality of population data, strengthening and increasing service innovation, monitoring, and evaluation," said Teguh.
According to him, it is also necessary to strengthen human resources (HR) which includes aspects of need, development, structuring and fostering functional positions, Dukcapil Information and Communication Technology (ICT) laboratories, scholarships, e-learning, and book of knowledge (Dukcapilpedia), as well as the marketing management system (LMS).
His party emphasized the need to update the e-KTP recording equipment (mobile assembly), which is already quite concerning in various district and city Dukcapil Offices in various provinces.
"We expect the support of regional heads to support this through the APBD. Do not let the biometric recording of e-KTPs for people who have not recorded, especially novice voters, be hampered because there is no mobile assembly equipment," said Teguh.
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