YOGYAKARTA The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) has yet to determine who will win the 2024 presidential election. However, the free lunch program which is the mainstay program of the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair during the 2024 presidential election campaign has been discussed in the cabinet of the era of President Joko Widodo. So, what is the reason for the government to discuss Prabowo-Gibran's free lunch program?

For information, based on the KPU's real count as of February 27, 2024 at 14.30 WIB, the Prabowo Gibran pair won with 58.84 percent of the votes. Even though they are already superior, the KPU will only determine the recapitulation of presidential election votes no later than March 20, 2024.

Regarding the discussion of Prabowo Gibran's free lunch program in a cabinet meeting chaired by President Jokowi on Monday, February 26, 2024, several parties gave their responses. They are Deputy Chairperson of TKN Prabowo-Gibran Ali Masykur Musa, Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa and Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto What do they say? Here's the full review.

1. Ali Masykur Musa

Musa said that the reason for Prabowo Gibran's free lunch and milk program was also discussed in the cabinet meeting of President Jokowi's cabinet because the program would be included in the 2025 State Budget.

"Look, direct general elections, presidential election, that's what the president-elect's policy will be a government policy. Because the elected president will become head of state as well as head of government. One of the policies, the program is free lunch for school children so that there is no stunting so that it gives birth to a generation that is smart and IQ is high to go to Indonesia. gold, "said Musa, Monday, February 26, quoted by VOI.

"Because it is Pak Prabowo Mas Gibran's program, it will be discussed for the 2025 fiscal year, and the process is discussed here (cabinary trial)," said Musa again.

2. Suharso Monoarfa

In line with Ali Masykur Musa, Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said this cabinet meeting discussed the government's work plan (RKP) and the Macro Economic Framework and Fiscal Policy Principles (KEM-PPKF) 2025 which became a reference for the preparation of the 2025 State Budget, so it was necessary to include iconic programs from the elected president.

"Yes, it is necessary to include iiconic programs from the elected President. Of course it is calculated, and Bappenas is currently compiling them," said Suharso at the Merdeka Palace, on Monday, February 26, 2024.

He added, although there has been no determination from the KPU regarding the elected presidential candidate, the Prabowo program was brought in the 2025 APBN determination meeting to ensure the sustainability of the program.

3. Airlangga Hartarto

Meanwhile, according to Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, the reason for Joko Widodo's administration to include a free lunch program in the 2025 RAPBN is to ensure that the program can be carried out smoothly in the coming year.

"We are asking for directions from Mr. President Joko Widodo that the government continues. Sustainability. Therefore, programs that require the budget are prepared at the 2025 RAPBN. Because later the implementation of the RAPBN is the upcoming government so that it can run smoothly," said Airlangga at the Merdeka Palace.

Launching VOI, Researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Siti Zuhro assessed that the government had committed violations because it included the Prabowo-Gibran free lunch program in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN).

Because until now the General Elections Commission (KPU) has not officially announced the winner in the 2024 presidential election. The vote count process is still ongoing.

"Obviously it's a violation, I can't say there's no problem, so we can clearly say that it's not true," said Siti at the Golkar DPP Office, West Jakarta, February 26.

Siti assessed that what President Jokowi did with the 02 pair program 'too much too soon,' was too fast. The KPU as the election organizer must'step in' on this issue.

"Because the KPU has the authority to say it is not the time (to enter the free lunch program into the RAPBN)," said Siti.

This is information about the government's reason for discussing the free Prabowo-Gibran lunch program. Get news updates of other choices only on VOI.ID.

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