JAKARTA - The trial of Aiman Witjaksono's pretrial lawsuit regarding whether or not the cell phone confiscation carried out by Polda Metro Jaya investigators was legal in handling the case of alleged 'unneutral police hoax' entering the final round. This is because the sole judge who tried the case will read out the verdict, today.

"That's right, reading today's verdict," said Acting Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto to VOI, Tuesday, February 27.

Referring to the Case Investigation Information System or SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court, the trial for reading the verdict will take place around 15.00 WIB.

In the decision later, Judge Tunggal Delta Tamtama will read out whether or not the lawsuit from Aiman Witjaksono was accepted against the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police.

Meanwhile, the petition petitum contained in Aiman Witjaksono's lawsuit, namely, stated that the confiscation process carried out by Polda Metro Jaya investigators was invalid and null and null and void by law.

Some of the items confiscated included cell phones, Instagram accounts @aimanwitjaksono, and email accounts [email protected].

Meanwhile, Polda Metro Jaya asked the judge to reject the pretrial lawsuit of Aiman Witjaksono confiscation of the cellphone as evidence. Because everything has been done according to the rules.

In addition, at the previous trial, Polda Metro Jaya also rejected the argument of Aiman Witjaksono regarding the status of journalists when conveying the alleged 'non-neutral police' in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

Because, based on data from the General Elections Commission (KPU), the National Winning Spokesperson (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud has the status of a politician on November 4.

"That the respondent rejects the petitioner's argument on the grounds, one, that since November 4, 2023, the applicant has been designated as an election participant. Namely, the Indonesian KPU has been appointed as a List of Permanent Candidates or DCT, namely as a candidate for legislative member of the Perindo party," said the Head of Legal Affairs of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Leonardo Simarmata in a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, February 20.

Aiman previously conveyed the allegation of the non-neutral police at a press conference held on November 11.

In addition, investigators also referred to the leave approval letter issued by the company where Aiman Witjaksono works. Where, the leave period will be effective at the end of November 2023

"That although the applicant has applied for leave as a journalist to the press company PT Sun Televisi Network on November 1, 2023 and the press company based on a response letter on November 6, 2023 has issued a leave agreement to the applicant," he said.

"Mulai efektif cuti pada tanggal 28 November 2023 dan pemohon tidak lagi menjalankan tugas profesional wartawan sejak tanggal 28 November 2023," sambung Leonardo.

Moreover, Leonardo continued, with Aiman already registered as a politician, the status is no longer a journalist.

This is in accordance with the circular letter of the Press Council number 01 / SEDP / XII / 2022 concerning journalists who are involved in practical politics must permanently resign or temporarily.

"The applicant becomes a resource person or spokesperson at a press conference for TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, at that time his capacity and rights as a politician. Journalists do not conduct press conferences, journalists cover the course of press conferences," said Leonardo.

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